Office Policies | Sprout Kids Dentistry in Quincy, MA Quincy, MA | Sprout

Office Policies

Scheduling Appointments

Our appointment times are very important to our patients and dentist(s) so, please arrive on time. We schedule appointments at your convenience and based on availability.

  •  After a series of three (3) no-shows or broken appointments in a
    calendar year with less than  24 hours advance notice, our office
    reserves the right to offer same-day appointments based on current
    openings in our schedule. Please note missed appointments are
    documented in your family file. Families with a pattern of delinquent
    or missed appointments, may be asked to seek care at another dental
    practice that may be better able to accommodate your family’s
  • As a reminder, dental appointments are an excused absence from school.


We strive to stay on schedule. We also try to be realistic in setting our appointment lengths.

  • In fairness to other scheduled patients, please arrive on time. Patients arriving more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled visit may be asked to reschedule their visit to help us avoid major delays in our schedule. We realize unexpected things can happen, but we ask for your assistance in this regard.

Staying with your Child

New environments can be intimidating for some children. Please try not to be concerned if your child exhibits some negative behavior. This is normal and with a little coaching from us this will soon diminish.

  • We invite you to stay with your child during their dental cleaning. After a few visits, we suggest you allow our staff to accompany your child through the dental experience. We can usually establish a closer rapport with your child when parents are not present. Our purpose is to encourage your child’s confidence and help them overcome apprehension.
  • A parent’s presence in our treatment rooms for dental procedures is determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in our guest lounge with a supervising adult.
  • Preschool children, school-aged children with a lot of dental work to do, or nervous children should be seen in the morning because they are better rested and respond better to treatment. Our staff can also spend more time with your child if needed.

Separated or Divorced parents

The parent who brings the child to our office for a dental visit is legally responsible for paying any bill or balance related to the child’s dental care.

  • If the other parent or legal guardian has agreed to payment responsibility, that person must provide a notarized written agreement of their desire to pay for dental care.
  • It is also the responsibility of the parent bringing the child to the dental appointment to bring the notarized legal agreement of payment acceptance. In turn, you must inform the other parent/ legal guardian of the recommended treatment or care being provided.

We are always available to discuss fees related to dental care. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.

Dr. Anderson

Dr. Michelle Anderson is a pediatric dentist board certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.


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