Protective Sealants
What are Protective Sealants?
Protective sealants are clear or shaded BPA-free resin applied to the teeth to protect them from cavities. They fill in the grooved surfaces of the teeth, as well as the back surfaces of some upper front teeth that can be hard to clean with a toothbrush.
When Should Your Child Get Sealants?
When your child’s first set of permanent molars erupt, around age six, it is important to visit us for a check-up to see if they are ready for sealants. Their second set of molars will erupt around the age of 12, and these will need to be protected by sealants as well.
Since molars are located at the back of the mouth, children can forget to brush them, making them more prone to cavities. Molars also have many nooks and crannies where bacteria can hide. Sealants can help to prevent decay from occurring over time.
Protective Sealant Treatment
During a sealant treatment, there is no need to numb the teeth because treatment is painless. A special coating of BPA-free resin is placed on the teeth, filling in any areas where cavities may form. In order to prepare the tooth for a sealant, an acid etch material is placed for a moment and then washed away. The tooth is then dried, and the BPA-free resin is carefully painted onto the tooth. A special light is then used to harden the BPA-free resin to keep it in place. This whole process is quick and easy and is done in a matter of minutes. The lifespan of a sealant is approximately one year before it should need to be re-applied due to the normal wear and tear of chewing using the back molars.
While sealants can help to protect teeth from cavities, it is important that your children follow a regular dental hygiene routine to ensure a healthy and happy mouth!
If you have any questions regarding protective sealants, contact our office today! We would be happy to schedule your child’s appointment.

Dr. Anderson
Dr. Michelle Anderson is a pediatric dentist board certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.