Home Care Instructions After Treatment Quincy, MA | Sprout

Home care is important to maintain a healthy smile. 

Home care is also important for healthy healing and maintenance. 

Here are some general tips on how to care for your little one’s smile after certain procedures.

Numbness Post-Operative Instructions:

  • The sensation of being numb after the appointment is typically the most challenging aspect for a child to understand
  • It may take 1-4 hours for the numbness to wear off
  • Avoid eating foods that require much chewing (a soft food diet is recommended)
  • Monitor your child closely so that he/she does not bite their tongue, cheek or lips

White filling Post-Operative Instructions:

  • If your child is numb, please follow the post-op instructions for numbness.
  • Avoid sticky, hard candies and chewing on ice to prevent breaking the filling or crown.
  • Avoid using front teeth to bite directly into hard food such as apples, carrots and corn on the cob
  • Limit drinking or eating dark colored beverages and foods as this may cause staining and discoloration of the resin material.
  • It is important to note that resin fillings are prone to recurrent decay (new decay around the filling margin) and it should be brushed and flossed like a natural tooth.
  • For any discomfort, Tylenol or Ibuprofen is recommended. Use as directed.

Silver filling Post-Operative Instructions:

  • If your child is numb, please follow the post-op instructions for numbness.
  • The filling will not reach maximum hardness for 24 hours; therefore, a soft food diet for the day is encouraged. Milkshakes, smoothies, yogurt, applesauce and macaroni and cheese are great choices.
  • To properly place the filling, work may be done below the gumline; therefore, your child’s gums may be sore for 2-3 days. Your child’s gum tissue may bleed upon brushing for the next few days. To help with healing, keep the area clean by gently brushing two to three times a day and flossing.
  • For any discomfort, Tylenol or Ibuprofen is recommended. Use as directed.

Stainless Steel Crown & Space Maintainer 

Post-Operative Instructions:

  • Your child will be numb so please follow the post-op instructions for numbness.
  • To seat the crown or spacer correctly, work must be done just below the gumline; therefore, expect your child’s gums to be sore for 2-3 days. Your child’s gum tissue may bleed upon brushing for the next few days. To help with healing, keep the area clean by gently brushing two to three times a day and flossing.
  • It may take a few days for your child to adjust to the crown or spacer. 
  • Do not let your child pick or pull at the crown or spacer as continuous force and pressure can pull it off.
  • Your child should avoid sticky, hard candies (i.e. taffy, suckers, starbursts, caramels) for the life of the crown or spacer. Although it is cemented on to the tooth structure, these sticky foods can cause the crown or spacer to become loose.

Extraction Post-Operative Instructions:

  • Have your child bite on the provided gauze until bleeding is controlled, which may take up to 20 minutes.
  • Remember that your child’s cheek, lips and tongue may be numb for approximately 2-4 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid sippy cups, bottles, straws and pacifiers for the first 24 hours after the procedure. The sucking action may cause prolonged bleeding.
  • Avoid salty, spicy, acidic or crunchy foods for the first 24 hours as this may irritate the extraction site. Cold and/or soft foods are a great choice (i.e. ice cream, applesauce, mac and cheese, etc.)
  • Administer children’s Tylenol or Motrin for any discomfort. Use as directed.
  • Do not allow your child to participate in strenuous activity for the first 24 hours as this may increase bleeding from the extraction site.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before inspecting your child’s mouth so you do not introduce bad bacteria into the oral cavity.
  • A small amount of oozing is normal; however, if bleeding becomes heavy have your child bite on a piece of gauze or tea bag for 15 minutes.
  • If bleeding continues or is not controlled, call our office immediately or proceed to your nearest hospital Emergency Dept.
Dr. Anderson

Dr. Michelle Anderson is a pediatric dentist board certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.


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