Preparing Your Child for Their Dental Treatment
Wondering how you can prepare your child for their dental treatment such as a filling, extraction, stainless steel crown or nerve treatment?
Unless your child is receiving nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral or general anesthesia sedation, preparation should be fairly simple. We suggest you discuss the treatment with your child and explain why it is necessary to keep their smile healthy. Use words that are age-based appropriate like “Sugar bugs or Germ Bugs”, “Sleepy juice (Novacaine)”, “Princess/Iron Man crown” or “wiggle”.
Stay away from words like, “Shot”, “Needle”, “Yank”, “Wrip”, and “Blood”.
Try to leave plenty of room for your child’s pediatric dentist to create a narrative that they can navigate with your child during their dental visit especially if your child is overly nervous.
Some parents may think offering a “reward” will help calm their child, however, in our experience children may associate the reward with treatment being “bad” or “scary”.
You are encouraged to offer a “reward” after treatment is over. Let it be a surprise!
If you have any questions about your child’s dental treatment prior to their appointment, don’t hesitate to Sprout Kids Dentistry, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Preoperative Instructions for Sedation Dentistry Appointments
If your child is receiving sedation during their dental treatment at Sprout Kids Dentistry, there are some preoperative instructions we would like you to keep in mind:
- If your child’s health and/or medical conditions change during the week prior to their appointment, please contact us before the day of their appointment. Depending on what is going on, we may suggest rescheduling the appointment. This is done solely for the health and safety of your little one.
- If your child is taking any prescribed, herbal or over-the-counter medications, please inform us of these medications. Please also check to see if these medications should be taken the day of their sedation.
- Do NOT give your child any food or beverages for a minimum of 6 hours before their sedation appointment unless you are given different instructions. If your child has special circumstances that require food more often, please discuss with Dr. Anderson.
- Arrive at Sprout Kids Dentistry at the exact time you are told.
- We recommend only bringing the child receiving treatment so that you can focus all of your attention on him/her.
- Please arrange for another adult to meet you at the end of your scheduled appointment so that one adult can focus on the child during the transport home.
- Dress your child in comfortable and loose fitting clothing.
- If your child has asthma or another respiratory disorder which requires an inhaler and/or nebulizer be sure to bring them to the appointment. Please also inform us prior to the appointment that this is the case.
If you have any additional questions regarding pre-op instructions, your child’s treatment or sedation dentistry, don’t hesitate to contact Sprout Kids Dentistry. We would be happy to discuss any questions and/or concerns you may have and hope to make this experience as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

Dr. Anderson
Dr. Michelle Anderson is a pediatric dentist board certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.